Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Printing Press EOTO

The Printing Press is a piece of technology that has so much history, that it would be impossible to mention all of its importance.  There is no official record of when it was invented, however,  the first official printed book, The Diamond Sutra, was created in Dunhuang, China. It was believed to be born around 868 A.D. 

Furthermore into the future, a wise man named Johannas Gutenberg continued the evolution of the Printing Press. When speaking about the history of the Printing Press, you'll often hear the term, "Guetenberg Press," this is what Johannas Gutenberg's invention was called.

His version of the new style of type began in France in a town called Strasbourg around 1440. In order for his creation to work properly, he handmade the ink his press used, which was designed to better fit on metal. 

Around 12 years later, he created a bible known as the, "Gutenberg Bible." The book consisted of over 1300 pages. This piece of writing was made in Mainz, Germany, where Gutenberg located after France. He finally accomplished his invention of the Gutenberg Press here as well. 

After this, his invention was brought all around Euroupe and became one of the largest innovations throughout history.  Italy, Spain, and France were the next few countries to get their hands on Gutenberg's creation. 

In Paris, France, education was benefited with his creation. Textbooks and reading books were created by librarians all thanks to Gutenberg. Speaking of books, this is a convenient way to welcome the next topic: how the printing press changed the world.

As mentioned in the previous graf, books were created for students. Think of how many opportunities the press welcomed to earth, it can go on forever. With the invention of text on paper, it can go as far as building cars, tools, pretty much anything included with an instruction pamphlet. (also was created by the printing press)

Before this, there were no books that could be made as fast and efficient as they could with the printing press. Handwritten books probably took forever to make, the printing press solved that. 

People were able to transfer information quicker, and were able to print important thoughts and creations with the printing press. The creation of it also gave everyone a chance to have their word spread around, if they wished to produce a book. 

With Gutenberg's creation, news was able to spread around faster. Newspapers were created with a printing press. It highly improved the flow of communication around the entire world. This was highly useful when wars were going on. 

Essentially, the world became smarter after Gutenberg's creation. With books, newspapers, and other articles made, knowledge was able to become more advanced. Without the printing press, us on earth today would not be aware of some of the history in the world, if it were not printed. 

Copying became much more easier with the invention of the printing press. Gutenberg made around 180 copies of his bible, this meant more people were able to access the same book at a time, which is a way knowledge and information spread. 

The Printing Press is one of the key creations of our history and we would not have evolved into the world that we have today without. 

CREDIT: https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/printing-press


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